under Good Factory Practices

Update on July 10, 1998


Versión original en Castellano


Main titles of the edition33of ESPACIO APICOLA,
June of 1998.


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Who is the owner of the collar?
In the "Expo-Apícola San Francisco’98" (Córdoba-Argentina) the Argentinean beekeepers took a very important step again.
We begin the debate, at national level and from the productive sector, on the application of Good Factory Practices and the Study of Hazard Analisis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system in Beekeeping production. This debates have continued in "Expo-Miel Azul'98" (Buenos Aires Province) with the official perspective on the topic presentation.
It is a totally new language for the great majority of the primary producers of foods in the country, among which the beekeepers put on, not by chance, among the first ones here and probably in the world.
They are several factors that precipitated the treatment of these thematic at time to positioning the argentine Beekeeping products at international level.
In the first place the diffusion of the American Fouldbrood and the problems with Varroa made us be interested more in the reading, the training and participating in days of training and information that took us to a stricter handling of our apiaries and they woke up us the necessity to always make the things better for not losing the little thing or a lot that we had.
It coincided with this, the emergence of a lot of beekeepers' groups that, they began to meet to evaluate their work systems, from the technical and administrative point of view (independent Groups, CREA, Cambio Rural, etc.).
This took us, the persons in charge of this editorial, to dive in other activities and we find very important directions when we participate of seminars about ISO 9000 norms, when we participate of the Apimondia Congress in Antwerp, when we saw how the people worked in other countries and what is that the world sought of us as suppliers of honey and other products of the beehive.
This proposal that we have gone profiling in Espacio Apícola's pages they becomes a true challenge, today. It was born, from more than one year.
At first thing we need to stimulate the exchange of approaches and experiences, perfecting this program that we have proposed, elaborating each one the systematizing of our apiaries handling and discussing the same one with the nearest colleagues. Then, in a future not very distant, we need to make a net of services that offer support to the producers and guarantees to the buyers.
This is the begining, the important thing is not to despair neither to conform an immediate answer, it is necessary to make it well, with conscience, so that it operete well and be believable. In Argentina we say "The dog is too big" and nobody by itself is the owner of the collar, neither less for a stamp.
June 1º 1998
The director
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In San Francisco's "expo-apícola" we debate on four squares that synthesized the main aspects to keep in mind to produce honey under the approaches of Good Factory Practices and a fifth square referred to "Hazard Analisis Critical Control Points" (HACCP) system in the production, just as we announce it to introductory way in the article published in the previous edition (Espacio Apícola Nº 32 «Good Factory Practices applied to the Production of Honey» p. 24 at 33)
The conference was in charge of Manuel Luis Oliver -Téc. Ap.- with special interventions of Carlos Rossi -Téc.Ap.- and José Maidana -Dr.
The lecturers was speaking from their beekeeping and educational experience, the most basic and elementary approaches with two clear objectives: At First that it can be comprehensible and applicable for all the beekeepers and the Second that it is good as relating of the elementary and enough to contribute to the national debate on the topic.
We publish in this number a synthesis of that conference, completed with elements discussed into a editorial team during the previous days of the exhibition.
For some one maybe sins very elementary, but it stops most it will surely be an important contribution that it will help us to remember fundamental aspects that maybe the time, the habit, the negligence or the ignorance of some risks have made us forget.
For those that are beginning it is a good starting point.
We treat the essential aspects that a beekeeper should keep in mind to preserve the harmlessness of the harvested products of the beehives and to take care of the nutritious properties of the same ones according to the reference material.
For it we refer to general aspects to keep in mind, to the sanitary handling, of feeding and incentive, to the honey crop properly and the fundamental characteristics of the extraction room.
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Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases

Kim Flottum, editor of «Bee Culture» magazine, sent us recently the third edition of the book that published next to Roger A. Morse -Dr. «Honey Bee Pests, Predators and Diseases». Kim Flottum
Kim is better known in our means to have published more than a dozen of books, one of those like «the ABC XYZ of Beekeeping» also next to Roger A. Morse, Dr.
Roger A. Morse«The worldwide eradication of any honey bee diseases is unrealistic. Thus, a reduction in economic damage in the beekeeping insdustry must depend on methods that maintain pathogens and parasites at reduced levels. The widespread use of chemical treatments has serious potential costs and risks resulting from the development of chemically resistant strains of disease agentsand chemical contamination of hive products. Thus, the development of non-chemical control methods should recived more attention. The evidence presented above suggests that there is sufficient genetic variability for resistance to diseases to make selective breeding a viable component of commercial honey bee management.
Selective breeding programs will not succeed, however, without economic incentives. Current prices paid for queens produced in the United States will not support the added expense of industry-driven breeding programs. Institutional breeding programs at state-supported universities and the United States Department of Agriculture have never succeeded, party because of the failure of the bee industry to adopt the stocks they produced. If the beekeeping industry is not willing to pay higher prices for selected stocks or is not willing to support and accept stocks produced by institutional stock-improvement programs, then the only alternative for the future is the continued use of dangerous and expensive chemicals.»

(Robert E. Page Jr. and Ernesto Guzmán-Novoa, «The Genetic Basis of Diseases Resistance» Perspectives and Conclusions, chapter 21, p. 491)
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ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION, an European vision from Canarias Islands
Elias Gonzalez

Mr. Elías González San Juan is an intrepid beekeeper of Canarias Islands that administers a Spanish Beekeepers List in the Internet, to which can subscribe gratuitously any interested one.
Before the interest created in many Argentinean beekeepers regarding this matter production style, "Espacio Apícola" ask him on how it was guided and regulated this matter in Europe and particularly in Spain. At first sight it is noticed that the internal demands of the EEC would be considerably smaller to those that are imposing for us.
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Newly we appear in Internet,... have us patience!
We will go publishing every 45 days, new comments and notes about different informations.
We also have foreseen to present a listing of topics, articles and authors published in ESPACIO APICOLA in these seven years.
We receive suggestions and comments, contact us.
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SANITY & FEEDING goes together
Tec. Ap. Carlos Rossi

Understood in the objectives that we were thinking about, Mr. Carlos Rossi (Tec.Ap.) assumed the responsibility of recapturing the topic of the Feeding from the point of view of Good Factory Practices programm.
In his conference, in San Francisco’98 meeting, and in this synthesis that we propose the readers of Espacio Apícola's magazine there are two lines force that govern the practice of a rational handling of substitutes or alimentary complements:
At First that the same ones don't contaminate the honey to harvest;
The Second fundamental topic is to have the well fed beehives for not depending on medications the.
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ECHOES & SUPPORT to our proposal

Before we have been able to systematize the contributions of San Francisco's participants, they have begun us to arrive comments supporting the proposal rushed in the "Expo-Apícola San Francisco’98". The contributions arrived from Bahía Blanca (Bs.As.), Mendoza, Calchaquí (Santa Fe) and Balnearia (Cba.)
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Contrary to the production of honey, the propolis production need so much stricter cares.
Also, the price of propolis varies substantially according to quality, purity and crop conditions.
Like us find important to make the indispensable thing in the honey production of honey and to safeguard the economic resource of beekeepers' thousands in the Argentina, we don't neglect the perspective of the «natural laboratory» that is the beehive. Therefore, we don't neglect the excellence that you can reach in the gathering, for example of propolis, for the transcendency and projection that this product has for the human health, as a medication of exceptional properties.
With this objective, we invite Stefan Stângaciu to lecture in the "Expo-Apícola San Francisco". Stefan is a doctor in medicine in charge of the DAO Ltd. laboratory in Constanta, Rumania, (Association of Natural Medicine without Opposite). He is member of the Apimondia Apitherapy Commission and member of two apitheray's societies (USA and Europe).
At first time Stefan had a vagrant idea of coming to the Argentina at the end of March (I ESPACIO APICOLA Nº31) but, after we publish the mentioned report the organizers of its visit to Buenos Aires summed up and they postponed the trip and this allowed us that it lectured, for the first time in the Argentina, for a group of more than 400 beekeepers in the «6 Fair and Beekeeper's Meeting of the Center of the Republic» "Expo-Apícola San Francisco’98".
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Cuba is also alternative in natural medicine and apitherapy promotion

Doctor Theodore Cherbuliez, current president of the Apitherapy Commission of Apimondia and American apitherapy Society president too, had the gracefulness to sending us an extensive document with the performances of the new Apimondia Apitherapy Commission.
We present a synthesis of that document, highlighting the importance that has the systematizing of the beekeeping work for this commission, just as we come proposing explicitly for more than one year, in ESPACIO APICOLA'S pages and as we debate it in the "expo-apícola" of San Francisco’98 (Córdoba - Argentina).
The Apimondia Apitherapy Commission, enclosed to the FAO, met at the end of February of 1998 in Cuba in a first work meeting. Also, this meeting had the attendance of representatives Health and Agriculture Ministry of Cuba.
Cuba was chosen to put up the meeting given the investigation work carried out in that country, among other reasons.
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First edition 5th of March of 1997

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